
Compare The Most Popular 40ft Production Catamarans

Stephen and I are always exploring new catamaran models so we can share our insights with you. The information below continues to be valid, but we have a new 40ft catamaran comparison of later models for you to peruse.

40ft catamaransMany of the manufacturers are unveiling their 40-ft catamaran models this Fall [2015] and it seems to be the hottest ticket in cruising catamarans right now. The more popular sailing catamarans in the 40-ft range are Lagoon 400S2, Bali 4.0, Leopard 40, Nautitech Open 40, and Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40.

We created a chart of each catamaran with a standard spec, ex-factory to compare the specifications and price of each boat. These catamarans compare very similarly on base price but there are a few differences.

Nautitech sailThe Bali and Nautitech Open 40 (Multihull Magazine review) are clearly much lighter cats which does translate into increased performance. However, the Nautitech Open40 is quite different in that it is really “open”. The aft deck is open with not much interior galley area compared to the other cats forward but with a rather exceptionally large cockpit which doubles as saloon. (See picture here courtesy Multihull Magazine). It is slightly heavier than its predecessor with higher freeboard to accommodate more living space. It is perfect for a young family or great for charter.

Bali 4.0

The Bali 4.0 has a unique single cockpit / saloon area, entirely flush and unencumbered by bulkheads, accessible by a folding glass door on electric rams (kind of like a tilting garage door). This opens up the area and make it look like a much bigger boat. This catamaran combines some of the most innovative new characteristics in catamaran design which makes it a very desirable. It is quite a peppy sailboat and easy to maneuver.

Fountaine Pajot 40

The Fountaine Pajot 40 is replacing the Lipari 41 and is basically a smaller version of the successful Fountaine Pajot Helia 44. It has a lot more volume than the Lipari, has a super stylish interior with island berths for the owner cabins (a much requested feature). It is lightweight but is smaller in volume than most of the the other models. However, because the living space was moved forward in the bows, there is still lots of room. We have not seen a boat yet, so the jury is out on how the boat will perform with these new changes. This model will be unveiled at the Paris boat show in December [2015].

Leopard 40

The Leopard 40 (video) is heavier than the other models. The bridgedeck clearance is lower than those seen on French or Canadian cruising catamarans. Their philosophy is that a lower bridgedeck reduces the boat’s center of gravity with a wider stern to provide more buoyancy aft. However, a higher bridgedeck clearance translates into less slamming. We have owned cats with lower and higher clearances and a higher bridgedeck clearance definitely has less slamming. Read this article about bridgedeck clearance to make your own informed decision.

Lagoon 400S2

The Lagoon 400S2 has been on the market for a couple of years and is extremely popular. The S2 has decent performance with a lot of interior volume as can be seen here in the specifications. It has the biggest volume of the five 40ft catamaran models. This volume is said (by the competition) to translate into less performance but judging from rallies held around the world, it seems that the Lagoon really holds it’s own. Judging by the feedback from delivery skippers and owners on performance, the 400S2 makes a good performing cruising yacht. The interior is luxurious, accommodations are spacious and the cockpit is a nice size, easy to sail and good for a live aboard couple.

All of these catamarans are very acceptable cruising catamarans for a couple with lots of interior and exterior living space. These cats will do well as live-aboard and well as charter boats. Much of your choice will depend on personal preference. Do you prefer a “luxurious” interior, lots of interior volume and reasonable sailing performance, a more innovative design and optimal performance. Is chartering or cruising your ultimate goal or do you prefer a bit of both? All of these things should be weighed before you make a final choice.

40-Ft Catamaran Comparison Table

*Standard boat ex factory Bali 4.0 Lagoon 400S2 Fountaine Pajot NEW 40 Nautitech Open40 Leopard 40
Price (base) 253,000€ 261,600€ 255,000€ 288,465€ 271,000€
LOA 39.14ft 39.3ft 38.5ft 39ft 39.4ft
Beam 22ft 23.9ft 21.75ft 21ft 22.1ft
Draft 3.67ft 4ft 3.94ft 4.5ft 4.1ft
Weight (light) 17,636lbs 22,535lbs 19,580lbs 17,160t 23,215lbs
Sail Area 1,134.5ft2 954ft2 1,022ft2 979ft2 1,032ft2
Engines 2 x 20hp 2 x 29hp 2 x 20hp 2 x 30hp 2 x 29hp
Fuel 105 Gal 106 Gal 79.3 Gal 79 Gal 95 Gal
Water 211.3 Gal 79 Gal 140 Gal 127 Gal 206 Gal
Mast Height 59ft 66.7ft 63.3ft 65ft 63.1ft
Cabins 3 3 3   3
Heads 2 or 3 2 or 3 2 or 3   2

*Please note that these prices are subject to change by manufacturers at any time. Specifications provided by the manufacturers.

*Options are available in engines, sails, cabin/head configurations and other options like generators, watermakers, etc.

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