
Beneteau Spare Parts: Lagoon Catamarans

Spare Parts from Beneteau USA for Lagoon Catamarans

L450S aftIf you are a Lagoon catamaran owner, you can now use the Beneteau USA spare parts catalogue. For many years, sourcing spare parts for your Lagoon catamaran, or for any French-built catamaran for that matter, has been a real sticking point for a lot of owners. It is the one thing that we hear the most complaints about from boat owners. Well, no more! Lagoon has opened up a conduit for the Lagoon owner to order their spare parts directly from the factory using the Beneteau USA spare parts website.

How to Order Lagoon Catamaran Parts

American and Canadian owners of Beneteau-built Lagoon catamarans can order directly from the Beneteau USA spare parts service website. You must have a customer code (account login with password) to access the online catalog. Here is how it works:

  • Getting started:
    • If you don’t have a customer code, get one using the Beneteau Spare Parts Account Request Form. Note it can take a couple of days to receive your login credentials.
    • If you have an account, login at Beneteau Spare Parts Catalog.
    • IMPORTANT: Our boat owners report that the catalog ordering system is not intuitive so you will want to watch the video. There is a video link on the catalog login screen, but as of August 2021, it was not working, so this video shown here may help.
    • To get help with setting up and account or ordering a part, contact one of these resources:
      • Call Beneteau Customer Service at 843.629.5320 to work with a sales rep or request a link to the online catalog (in case the link above stops working).
      • Your closest Lagoon dealer or certified service location. If in South Florida, contact Lagoon Technical Services – Multitech Marine Fort Lauderdale 954.522.1114.
  • Order your spare parts.
    • If your part is not in stock, it will be ordered from France and you will receive a weekly back-order status email.
    • Once the part is shipped, you will receive a tracking number.

Voila! Lagoon catamaran parts from Beneteau made easy!

If You Cannot Find the Lagoon Part You Need in the Catalog

If by chance you cannot find the Lagoon part you need in the catalog, you will be redirected to send an email to Lagoon After-Sales France at The Lagoon staff will research the part identification number and pass it on to Beneteau USA. They will email you with the part number so can order the part from the Beneteau parts website.

Parts for any Lagoon models not listed on the Beneteau USA parts catalog above as well as technical questions of any kind (if your dealer cannot help) should be directed to Lagoon in Bordeaux, France by sending an email to

Connect with other Lagoon owners for help and advice by joining the ‘Lagoon Catamaran Owners Group’ on Yahoo Groups.


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9 thoughts on “Beneteau Spare Parts: Lagoon Catamarans”

  1. I’m looking for a hydraulic swim platform to install on a 2008 440 lagoon. I’m starting a dive spearfishing charter biz that will have handicapped wounded warriors and other handicapped people on board. I need to safely lower and raise them out of the water from the stern if possible

    1. Scott, I think Stephen has already spoken with you and he has just suggested that perhaps you should also contact Dedicated Marine in Florida. They may be able to either help or guide to a supplier.

  2. Regina Lynn Snyder

    I signed up for spare parts but did not get my username or password from the original screen. Can you please email to me. Thank you.

  3. If you own a Lagoon and need parts, good luck. It has been a big run-a-round.

    Catamaran Guru DOES NOT SELL PARTS. They will refer you to Multitech, who is a wholesaler and will not sell to boat owners. When you ask Multitech for a list of companies that they will sell to, it turns out that everyone of them only sells boats and they do not deal in parts.

    When I called Beneteau I was number 99 in line. Lagoon and Beneteau need to get it together. Those two manufacturers have made a million boats, it would be nice if they could take care of their customers after the sale.

    1. Estelle Cockcroft

      You are absolutely correct that Catamaran Guru DOES NOT SELL Lagoon parts and we never claimed to. The link on our website was provided by Beneteau / Lagoon and also is or was on their own websites. I am afraid that I cannot be responsible for their reaction times. As for the dealers, contact the dealer you bought the boat from and hold their feet to the fire to help you source parts. Lagoon America is located in Annapolis and you could call them. There is also a very vibrant Lagoon owners group on Facebook that is very helpful. People who buy Lagoon catamarans from us, are always taken care of and your broker / dealer should do the same for you.

  4. Could anyone tell me if there is another dealer in the USA other than Multitech Marine. They have been extremely unhelpful in the past.

    I ordered an anchor frame from them several years ago, but it did not turn up, despite many emails and calls.
    I ordered light switches and they sent momentary switches.
    I ordered fuses and they sent the wrong ones.

    They make no effort to rectify their errors, or to provide customer service.
    Its cost me a lot of money and I have received nothing of value.

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