When we first met today, Clive asked, “What made you choose a Bali?” We did not really have an answer other than, “We just liked them”. Following this experience with Clive, our answer would be different now. He did not convince us but instead showed us the quality of our new boat. He explained things like bulkhead construction and engineering aspects that improve the overall functions of systems. We left feeling grateful for our choice to purchase a Bali. Our sense of pride shifted from just having a sailing vessel to pride of owning a Bali~ Tripp & Rob
Our Catamaran Guru team usually delivers new catamarans across the Atlantic, commission / check the yachts then deliver to their owners here in South Florida. But, occasionally, we have owners like the new boats’ captain describes below, where the owner takes possession directly from the factory in France.
Below is a testimonial that Captain Rob Walker graciously penned for himself and the boat’s new owner Tripp Plavec. He describes how Clive Allen, part of our reception team in France, delivered our concierge level of service with an in-depth tour and demonstration aboard their brand new 2023 Bali 4.4.
As with all our sales (new and pre-owned yachts), we consult on the big decisions that help buyers reduce risks and the cost of ownership and assist throughout the entire boat selection and purchasing processes. Catamaran Guru goes a giant step beyond by offering a proprietary yacht documentation and warranty/maintenance tracker dashboard to simplify the after-sales ownership experience. This amazing bit of software enables an owner, the boat’s charter company, and the Catamaran Guru warranty service team to all have access to the exact information about the boat. Check out the video to learn more and see a demonstration of the dashboard.
2023 Bali 4.4 Delivery in Marans, France Testimonial
We are currently in the process of taking possession of our new Bali 4.4, in La Rochelle, France. We chose to take possession of our boat at the factory because it is a part of our dream of owning a sailing vessel. This may not be a typical delivery for Catamaran Guru, being based in Florida. We knew this going in and appreciate your accommodating nature in helping us achieve our dreams. Clive Allen spent a good part of the day giving us orientation of our boat and it’s systems. I would like to go in a bit of detail concerning this experience.
First off, despite the extreme wet, windy and cold weather “Mr. Whiskers” looked amazing. We know that workers had been addressing last minute issues prior to our arrival, yet it was immaculate. As Clive walked us through every part of the boat it was astonishingly clean. No sign of construction remnants, each section of the hull was spotless. If the Bali’s factory hand over a boat that clean then kudos to them. Nonetheless someone had really taken the time to present a product they are proud of and it showed.
Clive opened every door, hatch, and cabinet. He explained each and every component. Not just its location but it’s function and even troubleshooting ideas should a problem arise. His familiarity and knowledge of the overall boat, components and systems was impressive. He educated us on each system individually, yet simultaneously as we moved through the boat. He pointed out build techniques and engineering design that show Bali set out to build a quality sail boat. Pride of ownership began to build as he literally pointed out and explained the benefits of different techniques and measures Bali has taken to ensure our safety and the sea worthiness of the vessel. His passion for sailing and desire to help make our experience successful and gratify was apparent by the time he took with us. His knowledge of the boat was nothing short of amazing.
When we first met today, Clive asked, “What made you choose a Bali?” We did not really have an answer other than, “We just liked them”. Following this experience, with Clive, our answer would be different now. He did not convince us but instead showed us the quality of our new boat. He explained things like bulkhead construction and engineering aspects that improve the overall functions of systems. We left feeling grateful for our choice to purchase a Bali. Our sense of pride shifted from just having a sailing vessel to pride of owning a Bali. Clive provided us with exactly we were hoping for. We will now be able to properly run our boat and begin our adventures. We would like Catamaran Guru to know about this experience and publicly thank Clive for his outstanding service he has provided. ~George (Tripp) Plavec and his Captain Rob Walker
Another Happy Bali Owner Video Testimonial
A Bali 4.4 buyer generously worked with us to record a testimonial. See what he has to say.
After-Sales Yacht Ownership Dashboard
Stephen Cockcroft and Craig Allison of Catamaran Guru share how our after-sales support outshines all other yacht brokers. Craig shares a demonstration of our proprietary yacht owners’ dashboard that puts all you need for warranty, maintenance, and other after-sales support at the fingertips of the owner, charter company, and maintenance provider.
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