
ASA 105 – Home Study Program for Coastal Navigation

Coastal Navigation (ASA 105)

Prerequisites: None but basic sailing experience recommended.

General Description: Navigational theory required to safely navigate a sailing vessel in coastal or inland waters.

Sailing Knowledge

  • Explain the chart symbols and conventions on U.S. nautical charts in accordance with international terminology.
  • Identify a source of official U.S. Coast Guard navigation publications.
  • List the publications and instruments required for prudent navigation in the local area including ASA minimum requirements.
  • Use the tide and current tables to find times/heights of tides and direction/rate of current at reference and secondary ports.
  • Convert courses and bearings between true, magnetic,and compass.
  • Check compass deviation by means such as a transit bearing.
  • Plot a dead reckoning position on a chart using speed, time and course to steer.
  • Allow for the effect of current and leeway to plot the estimated position.
  • Determine a course to steer which takes into account known current and leeway.
  • Determine current given the course steered and speed and two observed positions.
  • Plot a chart position from terrestrial objects using various types of bearings, transit range and distance off the object.
  • Use the above techniques to chart a course of at least 20 miles and 3 course changes.
  • Explain the terms and characteristics used for lighted navigation aids.
  • Explain the significance of shapes, colors, and lights used in the buoy system.

Sailing Skills

Offshore course for practical application of the Coastal Navigation standard.

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