Sailrite Sewing Machines & Project Center

Sailrite Sailmaking, Canvas Work, & More

sailrite logoAt the helm of Sailrite sits Matt and Hallie Grant, second generation owners. Well, we should not say, “sit”, as even Matt’s online presence is evidence that he has somehow cloned himself as he seems everywhere all at once. The Grants are hands-on with every aspect of Sailrite. Matt holds patents driving innovation in the trusty, dependable line of SailRite sewing implements, appears in numerous industry forums, personally answers customers’ phone calls, and makes strategic decisions that protect Sailrite’s brands and his customers. Get to know him and Sailrite better by listening to 59 Degrees North’s podcast featuring Matt and read more about his innovative patent for the Ultrafeed sewing machine.

YouTube video
Known by multiple generations of sailors as the go-to experts for DIY sailmaking expertise, machines, and supplies, the company has grown from humble beginnings as a resources of instruction and sewing supplies for amateur sailmaking to (still humble, but broad) offerings for all sorts of sailing projects and home fashion projects. If it involves thread and fabric, then you can probably find a project on the Sailrite YouTube channel from projects to sail repairs to sewing machine demos (like the one at right). Check out the podcast where I talk about earning a living while cruising sewing with my very own Sailrite machine!

Based in Columbia City, Indiana, in the heart of the USA, the Grant family still continues to improve the sewing machines and increase their line of fabrics, notions, and other sewing project materials. And they continue to sell the Sailmakers’ Library of educational materials that father and founder, Jim Grant, began in the 1960s. Jim, out of necessity, made his own sails using a very old, poorly written text. He placed in the front runners of a prestigious race with his DIY sails. As a teacher and having proven he knew what he was doing, he believed he could write better instructions for sailmakers than what existed. Thousands of sailmakers agree! Since its beginning many of the Grant clan have passed through the company’s doors.
Sailrite castings are manufactured in China and shipped to Indiana where each machine is assembled and finely tuned.

Top Features for Catamaran Owners

  • Reliable machines built for marine-durable fabrics and sailcloth
  • Portable, but heavy duty
  • Affordable for DIY sailmakers and canvas project enthusiasts
  • Great way to make extra money while cruising
  • Price: $649-$849 for Ultrafeed Sewing Machine
  • Assembled in the USA.

Where to Get Your Sailrite Sewing Machine and Project Supplies

sailrite lsz1 ultrafeed deluxeVisit for sewing machines, fabrics, and other project materials. Contact information:

Or catch Sailrite at most any sailboat show.

Learn more about becoming a part of Sailrite’s Trade Program if you an marine, automotive, upholstery, interior design, or home décor business.

What’s Your Take on Sailrite?

We have loved and used Sailrite’s sewing machines on our boats for years. We think it is exception how much they have broadened their business and services to DIYers. What do you think? Have you used Sailrite machines? Let us hear from you!

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Estelle Cockcroft Catamaran Guru Co-Founder


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