Floating Waterproof iPhone Cases
iPhone gets more and more credit as best sailing gadget ever. There are few big issues:
- iPhone is slippery
- iPhone is fragile
- iPhone GPS is not very accurate
- iPhone apps can be buggy so user beware for critical features like GPS or weather
With its limitations that seem to be evaporating with each new product and iOS release, the smartphone has become a sailing essential…if not a life essential. While later models of iPhone are water-resistant, who wants to test that?! Especially in saltwater, plus once it hits the brink, you’ll never find it, so floating is good.
We like these products to protect our phones turned memory capturing cameras and critical navigator, communicator, and weather predictor. While a model-specific case is essential to protect your phone from drops and other oopsies, we find these floating cases with tethers are especially useful for outings, dinghy rides, and other times you might have “phone overboard”…especially on the dock where phones seem to fit very neatly between slats at the most inopportune times.
Try these gadgets and let us know what you think!
Floating dry bag for your phone

Floating wrist tether with model-specific case