Happy New Year, Catamaran Guru readers (however belated)! We have not posted anything for a long while and I feel a little guilty but we desperately needed a little R & R after a tumultuous and rocking 2012, so we went “off the grid” for a while to recharge our batteries.
We “escaped” to the Bahamas for the month of December aboard ‘Zuri’, our 45ft Prout catamaran and we had a blast. On our trip there, we had two other catamarans follow us from Port Everglades (a mini flotilla) and while there, several of our clients and friends stopped by on their own boats. Many of them were our students and others are clients who bought boats from us and they all were out sailing and enjoying their boats and cruising!
We made Bimini Big Game Club our base (we needed internet to do a bit of work). The club has quite an illustriuos history and is a picturesque, dreamy, typical island style marina. We day-sailed from there some days in perfectly nice balmy weather, light breezes and warm, gin clear water in every shade of blue over a white sandy bottom. Other days we just lounged in the water, went fishing, paddle boarding, lobster and conch diving or snoozed in a hammock on the beach. It was absolutely idyllic and that brings us to our new year resolution.
We are back now and totally refreshed and rearing to go. We are looking to make 2013 an even bigger and more successful year. Our goal is to continue to bring you the latest and greatest in sailing and cruising news, yacht reviews, products, sailing tips and representing you in buying one of the great cruising catamarans on the market but our biggest goal and our resolution for 2013 is to get more sailors out on the water! Sailing is not only an unbelievably fun sport but it also gets us to the places we dream of and that is good and everybody should be able to do that!